dear beautiful boy,
one year ago you entered our lives, and you have made such a wonderful difference. we have loved waking up to your big smile every morning (even very early in the morning...and a few times at night). you are so loving and affectionate, curious and intelligent. you have been patient and tolerant on many long car and plane rides; everyone is always so impressed with your constant happiness that you share with everyone around you. everyone also comments on how unusually attractive you are. you are the best friend your sister could ask for. you are a model baby. other babies' parents don't like to hear about how perfect you are, which we comment on often. i will try to be more discreet about those comments so you can sustain healthy relationships when you get older. we love the sound of your laughter, your big, slobbery kisses (which you also might refine in order to sustain healthy relationships when you get older), your singing and dancing, your gentle nature and your endlessly positive energy. when i was pregnant with you, before we knew you were a boy, i told your dad, "this little boy is going to be a really neat kid." and you are. even if the world is falling down all around us, the feeling of your sweet head resting peacefully on my shoulder is the greatest comfort i know.
you weigh 20.9 lbs and your eyes have turned from bluish to greyish to brown. you just had your first haircut. mostly you look like your mom, but you have your dad's ears and personality. you have been to the shores of lakes michigan, ontario and tahoe. you have climbed through the sierra nevada mountains. you love playing instruments and listening to music. you put everything that is not food into your mouth. you do not like the taste of cow's milk. oatmeal is your favorite food. sometimes you eat so much oatmeal, we fear for your well being. you like to climb and play with cars and balls, and generally anything your sister is interested in at the time. you are starting to like books. a few days ago you stood up without holding on to anything, just to see what it was like. you love to play in the water. we call you big boy, reesey, chief and buddy. you have four teeth. when you were three weeks old you started smiling. on purpose. big smiles. and you never stopped. you play by yourself very contentedly, but every few minutes you will make your way over to us to give a big smile as if to say, "how are you mom and dad? now you must be happy, because my happiness is contagious." you are our reminder and inspiration that this world is good and that happiness is our own choice, perspective, and pursuit. your smiles have brought us more smiles than we ever imagined. thank you for being a part of our family and our life. we love watching you grow. our darling reese, ardor indeed. what a gift you are.
may 8, 2011 |
first month |
second month |
third month |
fourth month |
fifth month |
sixth month |
seventh month |
eighth month |
ninth month |
tenth month |
eleventh month |
twelfth month |
and this is what you look like right now. |
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