my beautiful baby princess, my how you have grown. after watching your first year of life, it was impossible to imagine another year would surpass the excitement and intrigue of observing you becoming you. but it happened. in the past year you have learned to stand and walk, brush your teeth and sit on a potty (purely for entertainment's sake), feed and partially clothe yourself, talk, count, sing, dance and run. i look at you, my darling baby, now with wonder. you have become, in every sense, a little girl.
i love to watch you read books and sing to yourself, to stand at your window and call out what you see passing beneath you. i love the way you make a point to show us what you are wearing or tell us what you are doing. i want you to know i will always be so interested in anything you have to say. i love to see you explain your mature and weathered grasp of your surroundings to your little brother. but what i love the most is the way your life intersects completely with mine, and how you have gone from being my baby to my best little friend.
you have become so tender and so nurturing. your patience and grace while your baby brother pulls your hair, pokes your eyes, takes your toys and snacks, rips pages out of your books, and generally climbs all over you is really remarkable. somehow you understand beyond your two short years that he does not understand, and even on your very own birthday, you hand him a brand new toy to play with if he fixes his gaze. you always have a kiss and a hug for him, and have provided your parents more respite than you know entertaining and caring for him in a way that only you know how. he loves you so much.
we love how you have become sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others. how you will give a running embrace or stroke of the face or pat on the back. how you say goodnight to everyone in the room. how you surprise us or make funny faces, just to make us laugh. how you, more and more each day, put pieces together and become more empathetic and more reasoned. i wonder often how that is possible for a toddler, but you, my gorgeous girl, are so very unique.
this is not say you lack passion. of that, my dear, you have plenty. you do like to have things your way (and who doesn't?) when not pertaining to your brother, and your insistence and perseverance have made themselves known since your earliest days. you can be as spirited as you are gentle, and for that, we love you even more.
i cannot begin to express the joy of seeing your open arms and smiling face each morning, the comforting, sweet smell of your skin, the happiness found in your embrace. when you go to sleep at night, i miss you. i love the sound of your scratchy voice, the tangled halo of curls around your face. beautiful girl of fierce and tender spirit, we are so blessed to witness each day how you grow, change and transform into an exceptional little person. we will be grateful always for the infinite gift you are.
happy birthday, beautiful. we love you.
1 year ago |
14 months
15 months
16 months |
17 months
18 months |
19 months |
20 months |
21 months |
22 months |
23 months |
and this is what you look like right now. |
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