we're laying low this week to rest up for bean's upcoming birthday festivities, as well as our mandated house arrest as a result of the great honor of our neighborhood hosting this year's nato summit. i haven't yet seen footage of hamid karzai chowing down on duck fat fries at hot doug's for example, so i'm not sure what difference it makes to meet in chicago other than the large inconvenience for those of us who live downtown. one more day...
in between protests, we've been enjoying the warm, hot, weather and getting out the park as often as we can. we had our first frozen yogurt of the season...it was melted before we even sat down.

the kids are doing great...reese once in awhile stands up by himself until he realizes he's not holding on to anything, and then he sits down. he is also making advances with his language, pointing to pictures appropriately in his books. and he's working hard on animal noises! so far they all seem to make one of two noises, but there is subtle differentiation if you listen closely.

bean has started memorizing and reciting books. she finishes the sentence on the page and knows what's coming next before you turn the page. she is doing a lot of singing and dancing and knows an impressive amount of song lyrics back and forth now. sometimes she'll introduce a song before she sings it, like "old donald." then a minute later, "old donald had farm, EIEIOOOOOOO. on farm he had duck. EIEIOOOOOO."
she's normally very patient with her brother who is very much in the "i want to do whatever you're doing" phase and intrudes her personal space regularly, but once in awhile she wants to just quietly read a book, and i have to muffle my laughter when he clobbers her and she gets so mad and yells REESEY! GRRRRRRRRRR!. she runs all over the house trying to get some privacy but he keeps climbing all over her. today i found her reading under the table.
she's getting very mature and better at following directions. she is starting to smile for the camera and today she sat still for her first pedicure.
other than that, we're trying futilely to hammer out details about the upcoming move...too much is still in the air to have a firm grasp, but things are still plodding along in california:
we'll check back soon!
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