Monday, May 28, 2012

happy birthday, bean!

my beautiful baby princess, my how you have grown.  after watching your first year of life, it was impossible to imagine another year would surpass the excitement and intrigue of observing you becoming you.  but it happened.  in the past year you have learned to stand and walk, brush your teeth and sit on a potty (purely for entertainment's sake), feed and partially clothe yourself, talk, count, sing, dance and run.  i look at you, my darling baby, now with wonder.  you have become, in every sense, a little girl.  
i love to watch you read books and sing to yourself, to stand at your window and call out what you see passing beneath you.  i love the way you make a point to show us what you are wearing or tell us what you are doing.  i want you to know i will always be so interested in anything you have to say.  i love to see you explain your mature and weathered grasp of your surroundings to your little brother.  but what i love the most is the way your life intersects completely with mine, and how you have gone from being my baby to my best little friend.

you have become so tender and so nurturing.  your patience and grace while your baby brother pulls your hair, pokes your eyes, takes your toys and snacks, rips pages out of your books, and generally climbs all over you is really remarkable.  somehow you understand beyond your two short years that he does not understand, and even on your very own birthday, you hand him a brand new toy to play with if he fixes his gaze.  you always have a kiss and a hug for him, and have provided your parents more respite than you know entertaining and caring for him in a way that only you know how.  he loves you so much.

we love how you have become sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others.  how you will give a running embrace or stroke of the face or pat on the back.  how you say goodnight to everyone in the room.  how you surprise us or make funny faces, just to make us laugh.  how you, more and more each day, put pieces together and become more empathetic and more reasoned.  i wonder often how that is possible for a toddler, but you, my gorgeous girl, are so very unique.

this is not say you lack passion.  of that, my dear, you have plenty.  you do like to have things your way (and who doesn't?) when not pertaining to your brother, and your insistence and perseverance have made themselves known since your earliest days.  you can be as spirited as you are gentle, and for that, we love you even more.

i cannot begin to express the joy of seeing your open arms and smiling face each morning, the comforting, sweet smell of your skin, the happiness found in your embrace.  when you go to sleep at night, i miss you.  i love the sound of your scratchy voice, the tangled halo of curls around your face.  beautiful girl of fierce and tender spirit, we are so blessed to witness each day how you grow, change and transform into an exceptional little person.  we will be grateful always for the infinite gift you are.

happy birthday, beautiful.  we love you.

1 year ago
14 months

15 months

16 months

17 months

18 months

19 months
20 months

21 months

22 months

23 months

and this is what you look like right now.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

surviving nato.

we're laying low this week to rest up for bean's upcoming birthday festivities, as well as our mandated house arrest as a result of the great honor of our neighborhood hosting this year's nato summit.  i haven't yet seen footage of hamid karzai chowing down on duck fat fries at hot doug's for example, so i'm not sure what difference it makes to meet in chicago other than the large inconvenience for those of us who live downtown.  one more day...

in between protests, we've been enjoying the warm, hot, weather and getting out the park as often as we can.  we had our first frozen yogurt of the was melted before we even sat down.

the kids are doing great...reese once in awhile stands up by himself until he realizes he's not holding on to anything, and then he sits down.  he is also making advances with his language, pointing to pictures appropriately in his books.  and he's working hard on animal noises!  so far they all seem to make one of two noises, but there is subtle differentiation if you listen closely.

bean has started memorizing and reciting books.  she finishes the sentence on the page and knows what's coming next before you turn the page.  she is doing a lot of singing and dancing and knows an impressive amount of song lyrics back and forth now.  sometimes she'll introduce a song before she sings it, like "old donald."  then a minute later, "old donald had farm, EIEIOOOOOOO.  on farm he had duck.  EIEIOOOOOO."  
she's normally very patient with her brother who is very much in the "i want to do whatever you're doing" phase and intrudes her personal space regularly, but once in awhile she wants to just quietly read a book, and i have to muffle my laughter when he clobbers her and she gets so mad and yells REESEY!  GRRRRRRRRRR!.  she runs all over the house trying to get some privacy but he keeps climbing all over her.  today i found her reading under the table.

she's getting very mature and better at following directions.  she is starting to smile for the camera and today she sat still for her first pedicure.
other than that, we're trying futilely to hammer out details about the upcoming move...too much is still in the air to have a firm grasp, but things are still plodding along in california:

 we'll check back soon!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

the merry month of may.

may is a big month for us.  huge.  we already have a list of milestones behind us barely at the halfway point and many still on the horizon before we close out and head into june.

as you all know, last week we celebrated reese's first birthday!  how time flies.  we had an official party for him with balloons, cake, and one very large stuffed bear over the weekend, and played it low key day of with a family trip to the zoo (mom and dad both off work and sunshine--yes!).  it's funny, because when bean turned one, we thought she was so big!  of course, she was seriously dwarfing her 3 week old brother, and she was the oldest baby we had.  now that reese is 1, he still seems like such a baby to us compared to his toddler sister.  bringing home a new baby will mature a slightly older baby rather quickly, it seems.

we had a productive few weeks surrounding the big boy's birthday.  a random week off in my schedule allowed ample time to trim a lot of loose ends...reese's hair, for one.  a pair of scissors has still never graced the mystical entity that is bean's halo of curls, so i didn't realize that cutting baby hair is somewhat challenging.  as it turns out, one year olds are no more eager to sit still for a haircut than they are for anything else, except there's a sharp metal object (in this case, cuticle scissors--it was either that or kitchen shears) on and around their face.  eventually i had to cut it one side at a time while breastfeeding him to keep him still, but fortunately it's not too uneven, and hair grows back.

i was also able to do some studying and sit for a certification exam i've been putting off since graduating from nursing school, and submit some materials to apply for a promotion at work.  i've been training as a charge nurse lately, where you have no patients but manage all of the other nitty gritty on the floor.  very different nursing--very different stress, but it's nice to try new things.  i also finished this wedding gift:

and these mother's day gifts

somewhere in there david successfully completed his mock oral boards, and a few warm days allowed us to get outside and stretch our legs.

in our ample down time, david and i continued training for our race.  my last long training run happened to fall on a day of 90 degree humidity and zero cloud it became a short training run.  distances over 10 miles really were more than i bargained for, and training for this race allowed me to appreciate that if i want to make longer distance running a part of my life, i will have to make some compromises.

you can't really roll out of bed and run a half marathon (unless you are my running buddy jane, in which case you can work 14 hours, go to a concert, work 4 hours, go to a late baseball game, sleep on my couch for four hours, get up, leisurely complete a half marathon, go out again, and then work 14 more hours...ah, to be young).  i was a bit anxious about how this longest distance ever would go, and i'm really happy to report it went GREAT.

as someone who from age 11 onward was up all night in a cold sweat before the annual mile run in gym class and never played a sport after seventh grade, i wouldn't call myself an athlete by any stretch, certainly not a runner.  all previous attempts at running once i got into college resulted in pretty significant injury and subsequent pouting, and never racked up any distance beyond about 5k.  for years i've wondered aloud how it is that oprah can run a friggin marathon and i can't break 3.5 miles.

he's singing here.
still, i came to really enjoy jogging for the exposure to the outdoors, the exploratory nature of it, and the accessibility--bring running shoes, run anywhere.  i picked it up again in chicago, but took a two year time out with the back to back pregnancies.  when reese was 3 weeks old, i begged for the green light from my doctor to hit the pavement again.  as each journey starts with a single step, my running began with a minute of jogging and a few of walking, and progressed into longer and longer stretches.  when david interviewed for his position at kaiser, his future boss, a former ultramarathoner, made a comment to me that really resonated.  i asked her how she could possibly ever run that far, and she said, "well, nobody ever said you had to run fast."

bean is back on the anti-diaper bandwagon.
that comment singlehandedly changed my approach to running, and allowed me to achieve more than i ever had.  instead of being stressful as exercise ironically is so often, now runs provided stress relief.  sometimes david ran with me.  sometimes i took bean or reese for alone time with them, sometimes both of them together as an outing. but as the runs grew, they became my time to think, and be alone.  i stopped using headphones because i no longer needed to distract myself from the activity; i enjoyed the quiet, the sounds around me, and tuning into my breathing or how hard my feet were striking the ground.  my runs grew longer and longer (though never faster), and i explored new parts of the lakeshore.  i started to feel like forrest gump.  and it was awesome.  if i got thirsty, i drank.  if i got tired, i slowed down.  suddenly running was so low maintenance.

two weeks or so ago, david and i overlapped a day in our training, and ran together for the first time in several months through a rainstorm.  somehow, without any guidance or real effort on my part, my rather serious runner of a husband looked at me and said, "wow, you really look like a runner."

months and months ago, before my first 10k, i told david that i really wanted to set some hard goals for myself in running.  it was fall, and he couldn't hide his surprise when i told him i wanted to run a half marathon by the spring.  when i ran my last 10k in february however, my half marathon goal had peacefully fallen by the wayside.  i just didn't have the time to train on top of work, kids and other activities that are important to maintaining my sanity (yes, KNITTING).

but somehow, a perfect storm convened around this forgotten body responded well to distances up to 10 miles, my friend jane encouraged me to sign up and offered to run with me, the weather warmed up enough to invite outdoor training, and a total absence of injury or even muscle soreness led me up to the starting gate of a 13.1 mile course along my favorite lakeshore.  and through lightening, thunder, and wind blowing rain sideways in to our faces off an angry lake michigan, this saturday i ran every step of those 13.1 miles and crossed the finish line with a smile on my face and gas left in the tank.  i didn't take home any prizes for speed, but i 100% completed my objective of running comfortably the whole way, and of course, finishing.  pretty sweet.

today of course is mother's day, which i'm pretty pumped to be spending neither nine months pregnant nor giving birth.  i awoke (at 7:45!) to this gift (david is very proud of his recyclABLE--not recyclED--wrapping), a subscription to martha stewart living.  i like her crafts, OK?!  

next, i was off to a spa morning to sand off all the rough spots accumulated from my recent uptick in running mileage.  i reconvened with kids back home in time to head out for dinner at our favorite vietnamese place.  i even got away with changing only one poopy diaper.  all in all, a great mother's day.

latest news on the house is that they'll start painting the exterior this week, cool!  we still have princess bean's birthday ahead of us in may, so the celebrations are far from over.  stay tuned...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

happy birthday, reese!

dear beautiful boy,
one year ago you entered our lives, and you have made such a wonderful difference.  we have loved waking up to your big smile every morning (even very early in the morning...and a few times at night).  you are so loving and affectionate, curious and intelligent.  you have been patient and tolerant on many long car and plane rides; everyone is always so impressed with your constant happiness that you share with everyone around you.  everyone also comments on how unusually attractive you are.  you are the best friend your sister could ask for.  you are a model baby.  other babies' parents don't like to hear about how perfect you are, which we comment on often.  i will try to be more discreet about those comments so you can sustain healthy relationships when you get older.  we love the sound of your laughter, your big, slobbery kisses (which you also might refine in order to sustain healthy relationships when you get older), your singing and dancing, your gentle nature and your endlessly positive energy.  when i was pregnant with you, before we knew you were a boy, i told your dad, "this little boy is going to be a really neat kid."  and you are.  even if the world is falling down all around us, the feeling of your sweet head resting peacefully on my shoulder is the greatest comfort i know.

you weigh 20.9 lbs and your eyes have turned from bluish to greyish to brown.  you just had your first haircut.  mostly you look like your mom, but you have your dad's ears and personality.  you have been to the shores of lakes michigan, ontario and tahoe.  you have climbed through the sierra nevada mountains.  you love playing instruments and listening to music.  you put everything that is not food into your mouth.  you do not like the taste of cow's milk.  oatmeal is your favorite food.  sometimes you eat so much oatmeal, we fear for your well being.  you like to climb and play with cars and balls, and generally anything your sister is interested in at the time.  you are starting to like books.  a few days ago you stood up without holding on to anything, just to see what it was like.  you love to play in the water.  we call you big boy, reesey, chief and buddy.  you have four teeth.  when you were three weeks old you started smiling.  on purpose.  big smiles.  and you never stopped.  you play by yourself very contentedly, but every few minutes you will make your way over to us to give a big smile as if to say, "how are you mom and dad?  now you must be happy, because my happiness is contagious."  you are our reminder and inspiration that this world is good and that happiness is our own choice, perspective, and pursuit.  your smiles have brought us more smiles than we ever imagined.  thank you for being a part of our family and our life.  we love watching you grow.  our darling reese, ardor indeed.  what a gift you are.
may 8, 2011

first month

second month

third month

fourth month

fifth month

sixth month

seventh month

eighth month

ninth month

tenth month

eleventh month

twelfth month
and this is what you look like right now.